

Your family members are precious to you, their health and well-being is your number one priority. You take care of them, let us take care of their medication regimen.

Blount Specialty Pharmacy offers Medicine-On-Time packaging for our customers who need packaging to organize medications in an easy to use format. For customers who are classified as “Medical At Home”, we offer our “Right At Home” program. This program involves synchronizing all your medications so they are delivered to your home on the same day each month.

Your name, day, date, time and cup contents are printed on each removable dose cup based on prescriber instruction.

Clear labeling increases independence by reducing medication errors. Medicine-On-Time’s removable dose cups increase freedom by allowing patients to take the medications they need for a certain time with them, in an easy to manage dose cup.

Medicine-On-Time packaging is easy and simple for users and caregivers, since each dose time is color coded based on prescriber guidance. For customers who use Home Health Agencies, or have visitors who help customers, we can generate charting forms and reports to assist with adherence.

Ask about Medicine-On-Time and Right At Home today!


  • Phone: 865-379-8524
  • Fax: 865-238-9032
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